Our thoughts are with everyone affected by Cyclone Alfred. Please bare with us while our community recovers, orders may be delayed.

New website, new campaigns

New website, new campaigns

As times change, so must we in order to adapt and over come the challenges we face. As you can see we've changed our website. Why you may ask? As we grew bigger the platform we were using wasn't able to scale up as well as we would have liked. Even though our developers were not changing any code, we were finding bugs coming out of no where, meaning we were spending out precious time trying to fix them between fullfiling orders, creating RED Authentics and the little actual gameplay time available needing to fix things on a regular occurance. We needed to find a solution to this.

Having changed platforms, we now get the benefit of not needing our developers to be working on the site, as the new system is much more user friendly towards a user that has no web development experience. With this new system comes a greature level of functionality. You're unlikely to see too many of this functions, as a lot of them are in the background for running the site and fulfilling orders, however we're very excited about this upgrade. Functionality you can tell we got, as you're reading this post, is we now have a blog (which we aim to update as regularly as possible). 

Now moving doesn't come without its pitfalls. Firstly for customers, while we were able to import data such and emails and addresses, records for previous orders have been removed. Customers will also need to sign up for a website account again unfortunatly. As this is a completely new system, we weren't able to avoid this. For us, it's a new CMS, so our processes need to change to accomodate it. 

We hope that you enjoy the new site. Over the coming weeks we'll be looking to improve it further, as the hardest part (getting the new site live), is over. Until then, have a pleasant journey.

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Our thoughts are with everyone affected by Cyclone Alfred. Please bare with us while our community recovers, orders may be delayed.

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