The Hollowing - Black Ink - Matte Black
Regular price $13.00
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The party looked upon the victims of the lich. What were once people of vibrant and lively personalities now were shells of humanity, shamboiling sacks of meat... ‘the hollowed’. They now had a race against the clock, for if the ritual wasn’t stopped before the blood eclipse ended, these good people would remain in their soul prisons indefinitely.
The Details
Matte black with a choice of three ink colours for the numbers, ‘The Hollowing’ are a limited edition set, with only 500 in total created.
As part of the R.E.D. Authentic’s range, this collection was designed by the R.E.D team, using our mould featuring our dragon head on the D20 (representing the 20).
This polyhedral dice set is an 16mm seven piece dice set for dice games such as D&D and Pathfinder.
Each set contains 1 of the following:
- D4
- D6
- D8
- D10(0-9)
- D10(00-90)
- D12
- D20
Please Note
Matte dice sometimes have dust on them left over from the manufacturing process which is easily removed by wiping it with your finger.