Our thoughts are with everyone affected by Cyclone Alfred. Please bare with us while our community recovers, orders may be delayed.

Dice Bag R.E.D - Wine

Dice Bag R.E.D - Wine

Regular price $5.00 Sale price $10.00

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‘Are you sure?’ the last words our Rogue heard before he jumped free from the prison wall, 1000 feet into the ocean water below. We guess the player didn’t account for the DM’s penchant for using real world physics for determining these types of things. ‘Got any more D6’s?’ the DM asked the group.


Dice Icons

The Details

Maybe the only thing better to protect your hoard than a dragon would be a beholder.

Wine fabric with R.E.D’s Dieholder printed on the front in white. This dice bag holds up to 20 sets of 16mm dice. We know some of the goblins out there have that many so this is perfect for you.

After your purchase, if you feel that the bag isn’t full enough, please ensure to stop back to us for help.




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Our thoughts are with everyone affected by Cyclone Alfred. Please bare with us while our community recovers, orders may be delayed.

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