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EA#4 - Defining Incident Background Generator

EA#4 - Defining Incident Background Generator

Not every backstory is tragic. The simple fact is that, as adventurers, the character sees the worst of the world that they live in. However, it is likely rare for the regular person in that world to ever see a gorgon, basilisk or dragon. In the follow up of our Tragic Backstory Generator we bring you to the Defining Incident Background generator. These are incidents that set the character on the path to becoming an adventurer. Some may be good, some may be bad, but all put the character into action.


Download the Defining Incident Background Generator


As with previous backstory generators, this is not designed to provide you with all the answers for how the scenario occurred, but is used as a prompt to spark your imagination to create the remaining details.


Please note that these backstories prompts with Dungeons and Dragons in mind, however creatures and people can be easily swapped out for setting relevant results.

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